
A React hook that creates a subspace for the current store context.


  1. mapState (Function|string): A selector to derive the state of the subspace. The selector is provided the parent state as the first parameter and the root state as the second parameter. If passed as a string, a selector is created for that key on the provided state.
  2. namespace (string): An optional namespace to scope actions with.
  3. options (Object): An optional object to supply the following options:
    • context (React.Context|Object): Override the React Context used for accessing the store.

If mapState is passed as a string and no namespace is provided, the provided string is used for both. To prevent this, pass null as the second parameter.


(Object): The subspaced store.


import React, { useCallback } from `react`
import { SubspaceProvider } from 'react-redux-subspace'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const mapState = useCallback((state) => state.subApp))
  const subspace = useSubspace(mapState)

  const { childValue } = subspace.getState()
  return (
      <button onClick={() => subspace.dispatch({ type: "CHILD_ACTION" })}></button>
import React, { useCallback } from `react`
import { SubspaceProvider } from 'react-redux-subspace'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const mapState = useCallback((state, rootState) => ({ ...state.subApp, root: rootState })))
  const subspace = useSubspace(mapState)

  const { rootValue } = subspace.getState().root
  return (
import React, { useCallback } from `react`
import { SubspaceProvider } from 'react-redux-subspace'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const mapState = useCallback((state) => state.subApp))
  const subspace = useSubspace(mapState, "subApp")

  const { childValue } = subspace.getState()
  return (
      <button onClick={() => subspace.dispatch({ type: "CHILD_ACTION" })}></button>
import React from `react`
import { SubspaceProvider } from 'react-redux-subspace'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const subspace = useSubspace("subApp", "subAppNamespace")

  const { childValue } = subspace.getState()
  return (
      <button onClick={() => subspace.dispatch({ type: "CHILD_ACTION" })}></button>
import React from `react`
import { SubspaceProvider } from 'react-redux-subspace'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const subspace = useSubspace("subApp")

  const { childValue } = subspace.getState()
  return (
      <button onClick={() => subspace.dispatch({ type: "CHILD_ACTION" })}></button>
import React, { useCallback } from `react`
import { SubspaceProvider } from 'react-redux-subspace'

const CustomReduxContext = React.createContext()

const MyComponent = () => {
  const mapState = useCallback((state) => state.subApp))
  const subspace = useSubspace(mapState, "subApp", { context: CustomReduxContext })

  const { childValue } = subspace.getState()
  return (
      <button onClick={() => subspace.dispatch({ type: "CHILD_ACTION" })}></button>

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