Global State

Sometimes, there is some state that is global to your application, e.g. configuration, authentication tokens, user details, etc., and you need to access them within sub-applications.

To cater for this, subspace passes the root state of the application into the mapState selector function as the second parameter, which can be used to combine additional state into the subspace's state.

For example, given a store setup like this:

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'

const configuration = (state= { api: '/api' }) => state
const subApp = (state = { value: 1 }) => state

const reducer = combineReducers({

const store = createStore(reducer)

This store's state will now look like:

    "configuration": {
        "api": "/api"
    "subApp": {
        "value": 1

Using the second parameter, rootState, we can merge the configuration into the state for the sub-application:

import { subspace } from 'redux-subspace'

const subAppStore = subspace((state, rootState) => ({ ...state.subApp, configuration: rootState.configuration }))(store)

console.log(subAppStore.getState()) // { "value": 1, "configuration": { "api": "/api" } }

When nesting subspaces, the rootState will always refer to the state of the root redux store.


Often, the global state is required by all sub-applications. Rather than repetitively merging the state in the mapState selector, the wormhole middleware can be used to provide it to all subspaces. For details, see the `redux-subspace-wormhole' documentation.

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